Am an African not because I was born in africa, but because Africa was born in me.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Words of wisdom to my three month old niece 'Kim'

Dear Kimberly . . . . . . . . one day when you grow older you are going to feel pressured to be a certain size,color,hight and have a particular type of hair in order to fit the societal norm of beauty, the pressure is going to come from many sources. . .be it from looking at other girls on television and fashion magazines and more often than not you are going to get rude comments weather from an old man at a taxi rank , boys on street corners or even from other women,because sadly enough we live in a world that values form over substance . But you my dear,don't have to subscribe or confrom to any of the above stereotypes ... Because I want you to accept every part of your body and embrace it along with every flaw because your body is a a miraculous gift of ancestry. Its true that almost every woman has an issue with some part of their body(this is between us we men have issues with our bodies too) be it the size of their breasts, tummy, hips and sometimes even the shade of their skin, but remember that your body is a mechine thats pron to constant change as you grow and make your initation into womanhood. I want you to know that every last detail on you face and body belongs there, and those features you don't like show your best talents and tell the world who you really are. As clichèd as it may sound "beauty really does start from within yourself" and if you have negative thoughts about yourself they will most certainly show up behind those fashion labels and layers of make up,so rather focus on your positive attritbutes. You body shape and size has a place in this world there is no written rule that says we should all look the same and no one has the right to dictate how you should look imagine if we all looked the same? The world would surely be a lot less interesting because diversity is what makes you beautiful . . . . . and above all when anyone makes you feel unworthy to be here be it your boyfriend, husband or whoever don't believe that lie because just being born in its self makes you more than worthy to be here and you have nothing to prove. .......... With luv yo Uncal.


  1. This is sweet, it inspired me to right a blog of my own on the perceptions of beauty, good stuff.
